Cows on Parade

Chicago, Summer 1999

In the Summer of 1999 Chicago was home to "Cows on Parade", an art exhibit of about 300 cows decorated by local artists. So, Kathy and I took our cameras and backpacks and went cow hunting....

Out of Cowtowner
Out of Cowtowner

Grazing With The Cows
Grazing with the Cows

The Day-Night Cow
The Day-Night Cow
One side shows a daytime scene; the other shows the skyline at night.

The Day-Night Cow's Daytime side

The Day-Night Cow's Nightside

Water Tower Cows
Cows on the Water Tower

Udder Gold
Udder Gold, sponsored by Kerry Gold Irish Cheese. Note the shamrock at rear.

F-22 Dairy Air Enforcer Big John

A cow that looks like a jet at the Hancock Center

Taxi! Taxi!!
A Cow for All Seasons
Four Seasons Hotel

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